Bill Bader's
Favorite Family Photos

Albert Bader & Isabelle Bader

Albert Bader & Isabel Bader at Niagara Falls 1959 closeup
1959 Niagara Falls

Isabelle & Al Bader dating in 1930s
Isabelle Swiatowicz
and Al Bader
-- the dating years --
1930 to 1941

Al & Isabel Sweet Hug

The Wedding
July 1941
Isabelle and Al Bader full wedding party

Bader Wedding just 2 Wedding Close Up of Isabel and Al

Isabel in Leopard Coat Isabel and Al Bader
-- the war years --
1942 to 1945
Albert Bader - Army Sgt portrait

Albert Bader World War II train window
Sgt. Albert P Bader at train window during World War II.

The kid
*** William ***

Billy Bader Age 1 - Christmas Closeup With Mom And Dad

The link below goes to a 1949 film of the
1st birthday party of Isabel and Al's only son, Bill Bader. It begins with closeups of Isabel's mother,

Maria Korsak Swiatowicz.

Bill Bader 1949 - First Birthday And Cake
"Billy B's 1st birthday"

The kid growing up

Bill Bader - Age 4 in suspenders

Bill Bader - Age6 PlaidSeries-3.JPG

Bill Bader - Mackinaw Island Ferry

Factoryville House Prior To Landscaping.

Al Bill Isabel on porch in Factoryville

Factoryville Front Yard

Bill Bader age 13

Bill Bader - University of Michigan graduation

Bill Bader - Hawaii 1975

The older generation

Swiatowicz Wedding
Isabel's parents in their wedding photo.
Seated at center are Maria Korsak and Stanislaw Swiatowicz

Bader family 1915
Albert Bader's parents and his complete family
From left, seated: Theresa, Heinrich (father), Ida, Bernadina (mother), Johannah.
Standing: William, Henry, Albert, Paul.

In Memoriam:
Isabel Swiatowicz Bader, Albert P Bader, Heinrich Bader, Bernadina Bader, Henry Bader,
William H Bader, Paul Bader, Johannah Bader Bolk Aichroth, Theresa Bader Tamulis, Ida Bader Turan,
Maria Korsak Swiatowicz, Stanley Swiatowicz, Stanley and Anna Svetovich, Joe and Helen Yukalis